SUMMARY: When MAC Laptop with resolution maxed at the 'More Space' setting. When opening the Select Task Modal, the page is cut off and the Cancel and Add buttons do not show.
1. Using a 16-inch M1 Mac Book pro (2021). With resolution maxed at the “More Space” setting.
2. Open a timesheet
3. Select Tasks (modal opens)
Expected Results: Cancel and Add buttons show on the bottom right
Actual Results: Bottom is cut off and no buttons appear
When moving the modal from a widescreen where the buttons do show over to the laptop the buttons are cut off again.
Workaround: Change Resolution or zoom out. Zoom out makes the text too small
Release : 16.1.2
Reported as DE76649
DE76649 is being reviewed by engineering.
Other modal (popup screens) may also have the issue