Unable to install Jaspersoft 8.1.1 Patch
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Unable to install Jaspersoft 8.1.1 Patch


Article ID: 270935


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise


We are on Jaspersoft 8.1.1 and  trying to install the Japsersoft 8.1.1 Patch with below command:

install.bat deploy-web-app

It is not installing the patch.


Release : 16.1.2


Fort On Premise:


Take Backup of Jaspersoft web deployment folder in Jaspersoft Tomcat. (Ex: reportservice in Tomcat 9.0.68)

Take backup of Clarity - Jaspersoft integration keystore (Path: <Jaspersoft tomcat>/webapps/reportservice/WEB-INF/config). 

If you are a Oracle TCPS user. Take backup of config folder. (Path: <Jaspersoft tomcat>/webapps/reportservice/WEB-INF/config)

Take backup of Jaspersoft installer keystores in Home folder (Windows: cd %userprofile%)

Take backup of default_master_xxxx_xxxx.properties file from <Jaspersoft 8.1.1 Installer folder>/buildomatic/<default_master_xxxx_xxxx.properties>

How to Apply Patch:

Download Jaspersoft 8.1.1 Patch clarity_jaspersoft_8.1.1_6.5.1.x.zip 

Extract the zip

Shutdown Jaspersoft 8.1.1 Instance Tomcat which is already running. (Use shutdown.bat or ./shutdown.sh for Linux)

Copy default_master_xxxx_xxxx.properties (Which is backed-up in Pre-requisites) file to unzipped Patch artifact in step 2 <Unzipped patch artifact>/buildomatic folder

Rename <default_master_xxxx_xxxx.properties> to default_master.properties

Verify values of default_master.properties

Go to <unzipped Patch artifact> and run install.sh deploy-web-app or install.bat deploy-web-app

Post Applying of Patch:

<Jaspersoft tomcat>/webapps/reportservice/WEB-INF/config.Copy the Clarity - Jaspersoft integration keystores (which are taken back-up) to 

If Oracle TCPS user, restore truststore to tcps-truststores folder (i.e.., which you have taken backup in step 2). 

Delete Temp and Work folders in <Jaspersoft tomcat>

Start the Jaspersoft service. (Use startup.bat or ./startup.sh)

Verify the Clarity - Jaspersoft integration

Verify Jaspersoft version. It should 8.1.1 patch version.


Apply patch on container following below changes in Values.yml.

In Jaspersoft Values.yml change the Jaspersoft 8.1.1 Image to Patch Image

Change the Restart tokens of schedulerRestartToken and non schedulerRestartToken

Set installMethod as 'new'



No changes are made in Jaspersoft Helm package so user can use Jaspersoft 8.1.1 Helm.