Common Services for Z/OS - PTF (LU05531) question on HOLDDATA
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Common Services for Z/OS - PTF (LU05531) question on HOLDDATA


Article ID: 270869


Updated On:




What is this HOLDDATA for LU05531 trying to tell me exactly?
The SCRT "reporting period" is typically from the 2nd of the month until the 1st of the next month.

We put maintenance on during our Monday change window. So I have to wait until Monday is on the 2nd of a month to put this PTF on?  

The HOLDDATA states:

 1. Implement prerequisite PTF LU02177 on all LPARs before the start of  
    a reporting period. This PTF suppresses the recording of the calling 
    module's name to the SMF 89 record.                                  
 2. Generate an ISV SCRT report after the reporting period ends.         
 3. After the report is generated, implement this PTF (LU05531).         
 If, for some reason, this PTF (LU05531) is implemented during the same  
 reporting period as the prerequisite PTF LU02177, the ISV SCRT report   
 will contain extraneous data. This data will only show up on a single   
 report, and can be ignored with no further action needed. Broadcom will 
 still accept this report.                                               


Release : 15.0


There is possible concern over the wording in the HOLDDATA.


It is quite ok to implement the maintenance within the SCRT reporting period with the following understanding.

The only point of concern is that the report may show extraneous data specifically related to how product features are displayed.
This data will only show up on a single reporting period upon implementation of the 2 PTFs, and can be ignored with no further action needed.