Alarm Ingestion API mandatory fields
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Alarm Ingestion API mandatory fields


Article ID: 270852


Updated On:


DX Operational Intelligence


What are the minimum required fields to be able to post an alarm in OI? Should we use all fields as documentation say or is there any mandatory field?



Release : 23.2


The below are the list of mandatory field for Alarms API ingestion:

tenant_id header String Mandatory AIOPs tenant UUID (also called cohort_id)
product_id header String Mandatory Provide the fixed value "ao"
doc_type_id header String Mandatory Provide the fixed value "itoa_alarms_custom"
doc_type_version header String Mandatory Provide the fixed value "1"
unique_id header String Mandatory Provide the fixed value "$['alarm_unique_id']"
alarm_unique_id body String Mandatory Unique_id used to manage the lifecycle of the alarm. The same unique id should be sent when the status of the alarm changes (from NEW → UPDATED → CLOSED) and a new unique id should be used once an alarm has been closed and a new alarm is generated for similar condition (e.g threshold crossing on a metric).
product body String Mandatory Source Product that generated the alarm (e.g NewRelic)
message body String Mandatory message of the alarm 
status body String Mandatory Valid values are NEW, UPDATED and CLOSED
severity body String Mandatory Valid values are critical, major, minor and information
timestamp body String Mandatory

Last updated time of the alarm in ISO 8601 date string. This will be same as startTime for NEW alarms.

"format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"

startTime body String Mandatory

Creation time of the alarm in ISO 8601 date string. 

"format": "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ"

ci_unique_id body String Mandatory Unique id for the entity on which alarm is raised