Attachment Synchronisation to Jira Cloud is broken by an update to Jira Cloud application
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Attachment Synchronisation to Jira Cloud is broken by an update to Jira Cloud application


Article ID: 270824


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Attachment Synchronisation is not working due to the Jira API changes that we pushed with recent release.
ConnectALL Engineering checked with Jira support to understand if it is a bug because the same API was working fine for years and got confirmation that it will be like this going forward and released a patch to address this issue in existing ConnectALL versions.


Release : 2.10.35 - 2.11.2.X


This patch can be applied from the 2.10.35 to the 2.11.3 version


Below steps can be followed to deploy the patch in Linux or Windows Environment.
  1. Stop the Mule server
  2. Backup the <MULE_HOME>/apps/ConnectAll-XXX/lib/Connectors-2.10.jar
  3. Create a temp folder -  It can be any name, it can be anywhere except for ConnectALL installation directory.
  4. Download the attached patch and copy the same to the temp folder.
  5. Extract the zip file and make sure the folder structure looks like com/go2group/connectall
  6. Copy the <MULE_HOME>/apps/ConnectAll-XXX/lib/Connectors-2.10.jar to the temp folder
  7. Make sure the Extracted folder "com" and the Connectors-2.10.jar are in the same folder
  8. Navigate to the temp folder in the command prompt / terminal
  9. Execute the below command 
  10. jar -uvf Connectors-2.10.jar com
  11. Copy the Connectors-2.10.jar to the <MULE_HOME>/apps/ConnectAll-XXX/lib
  12. Start the ConnectALL Mule service back up.

Attachments get_app