Protection Engine (SPE) service is getting stopped again and again. After starting the service it shows started for a few seconds and getting stopped again.
In SymantecProtectionEngineAbortLog.txt file shows the following error
2023/07/31-13:08:13 301 XML path not found : report.xml:/report/SinceStartOfMonth/TotalRejectedRequests/@value.
2023/07/31-13:08:13 0 Symantec Protection Engine is shutting down; logs may contain more information.
2023/07/31-13:08:13 400 CSAPI failed to initialize.
2023/07/31-13:08:13 0 Symantec Protection Engine is shutting down; logs may contain more information.
Symantec Protection engine 8.0 and higher.
Report.xml file is corrupted.
Replace the file from a good known source