Post upgrade of JasperSoft to 8.1.1, report export to excel, results in no images in the exported file
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Post upgrade of JasperSoft to 8.1.1, report export to excel, results in no images in the exported file


Article ID: 270790


Updated On: 08-06-2024


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


After the upgrade to JasperSoft 8.1.1, when exporting a report to Excel, images in the report are not visible in the exported file.

Steps to Reproduce: 

  • In Clarity go to Advanced Reporting
  • Run a report that contains images (e.g Program Status Detail)
  • When the report output is displayed, click on Export-> Excel

Expected Results: The report is exported to Excel format and the exported file contains the images that appear in the report.

Actual Results: The report is exported to Excel format and the exported file does not contain the images from the report.



Jaspersoft 8.x with supported clarity version 




Resolved in JasperSoft 9.x