We have deactivated mcs and no longer use it, but we are still getting alarms for robots that used to use mcs
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We have deactivated mcs and no longer use it, but we are still getting alarms for robots that used to use mcs


Article ID: 270760


Updated On: 08-16-2023


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


CDM probe versions 6.84/7.10 are generating alarms not directly related to current probe configuration, and are not typical messages:


Physical Memory Usage (%) on Physical for robot 1 is at 85.46 %.

Disk Free (%) on /var for robot 10 is at 17.96 %. (CDM configuration is 5/10% warning/error)

Memory Usage (%) on Total for robot1 is at 83.60 %

We deactivated the mon_config_service probe and only use the cdm probe configuration.


Release: 20.4
Component: mcs


With enhanced style mcs profiles, alarm policies are defined at the robot level in the ..\Nimsoft\plugins\plugin_metric\pluging_metric.cfg file. Shutting down the mon_config_service probe without properly removing the profiles in Operator Console will leave this file with remnants of the mcs based profile that will cause the undesired alarms.


The proper approach when removing mcs profiles from a system is to delete those profiles within Operator Console. During the deletion process of the profile it will reach out to robots and will update the plugin_metric.cfg file back to a baseline install (approx. 4k file). The mon_config_service probe is responsible for updating the ..\Nimsoft\plugins\plugin_metric\pluging_metric.cfg on the downstream robot as part of any type of mcs profile change.

If for some reason the mon_config_service probe is shut down, than the file will not get updated correctly. The probe can be restarted, profiles deleted and any robots that for some reason did not get updated can be updated manually via the following:


Using this option you can run it against all robots in the environment, or just a specific robot with issues.