Unable open Manage Users and Probe Security from UIM Administrator Console
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Unable open Manage Users and Probe Security from UIM Administrator Console


Article ID: 270730


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM)


When trying to open the Manage Users and Probe Security pages from the SHOW MENU of the Administrator Console, we got the error message : 

Failed to load users / Failed to load probes - error 500

It's working when selecting Hubs.



Release : 20.4


Uninstall and reinstall Admin Console on the Primary hub with steps below:

  1. Deactivate the wasp probe on the Primary hub
  2. Make a backup of the wasp probe home directory
    Example: D:\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp
  3. Rt-click and delete wasp
  4. Delete the wasp folder from the file system
  5. Deploy the following probes to the Primary hub
    1. wasp (v20.46 for CU6) or (v20.47 for CU7)
    2. adminconsoleapp (v20.46 for CU6) or (v20.47 for CU7)
    3. uimhome (v20.46 for CU6) or (v20.47 for CU7)
    4. mps v20.46 (CU6 or CU7)
    5. uimesdplatelemetry v20.42 (CU6 or CU7)
  6. Restore Admin Console HTTPS settings (Ignore this step if HTTPS is not enabled)
    **Copy the ..\Nimsoft\probes\service\wasp\conf contents from the backup the new wasp\conf folder
    **Copy https_port setting from the original wasp.cfg
  7. Activate the wasp probe and validate the Admin Console logon and access to the UIM Server home page