VIP Enterprise Gateway LiveUpdate service fails to start during upgrade to 9.10.3
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VIP Enterprise Gateway LiveUpdate service fails to start during upgrade to 9.10.3


Article ID: 270671


Updated On:


VIP Service


The Symantec VIP LiveUpdate service does not start when initiating the VIP Enterprise Gateway 9.10.3 automatic LiveUpdate, and the upgrade does not complete. 


Installation of Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 X64 Redistributable package during the upgrade is blocked by security software. An error similar to this may be captured in the security software event logs:

Security Risk Found! ACM.Java-RgPst!g1 in File: c:\windows\temp
\.be\vc_redist.x64.exe by: SONAR scan.  
Action: Leave Alone succeeded.  Action Description: The file was left unchanged.


Download and install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 X64 Redistributable package from before triggering the VIP Enterprise Gateway Live Update. 

Note: This is not necessary when manually upgrading to 9.10.3.