Staffing Grid: Message 'Deleting Data... Please wait' is showing instead of 'Loading data... Please wait'
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Staffing Grid: Message 'Deleting Data... Please wait' is showing instead of 'Loading data... Please wait'


Article ID: 270666


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


The message is causing confusion to the user. Manually refreshing the page immediately after deleting rows resolves the issue. 

Steps to Reproduce: 

  1. On the Staffing Workspace - Grid, select any row and delete the allocation   
  2. It displays a message in the middle of the grid (white box) 'Deleting Data... Please wait' 
  3. Now do something that will cause only the grid to reload data (not the entire page) - don't refresh or move away from the page 
    • For example, change your filter criteria or click on any column that allows sorting

Expected Results: Message should display 'Loading data... Please wait'. 

Actual Results: Message displays 'Deleting Data... Please wait'. 

Workaround: Click the browser 'Refresh' button to reload the entire page after deleting a row. 


Release 16.1.2, 16.1.3 




Engineering is reviewing this issue.