Appneta Selenium Scripting - UIVision Tutorial
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Appneta Selenium Scripting - UIVision Tutorial


Article ID: 270659


Updated On:


AppNeta DX NetOps


Require assistance using UIVision to import workflow into Selenium Scripting in Experience.


1. Click Record button to start recording in UIVISION, once completed actions, stop recording.

2. Right Click On your saved workflow and select Export as JSON

3. Create workflow in Appneta. Pick your Monitoring From and Monitor To URL. And Add your first workflow:

4. Click on Source

5. Click on Upload Recorded Script to upload the JSON Script exported from UI Vision:

6. Click Preview button to Preview the script to test.


Additional Information

Additional information on UI.Vision / Kantu can also be found on our product page: 

Alternative script recorders also exists for various browsers, such as Katalon Script Recorder.  When recording a script, we recommend using a Chromium based web browser for best results.