Modern UX - Hierarchy - Metric value does not match the base field
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Modern UX - Hierarchy - Metric value does not match the base field


Article ID: 270552


Updated On:


Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


Metrices created based on a cost field are not showing the same values, for few projects in Hierarchy, as the base fields used to create them. Value do match for some other projects. Sample steps to create a metric are as follows:

  1. Open a Hierarchy in the Modern UX
  2. Switch to Timeline View and then click on 'View Options' in top right corner
  3. Click on Manage Metrices under Totals
  4. Create new metrices with a name, Metric Based On ‘Budgeted Capital Cost / Budgeted Operating Cost’ and Aggregation Scope ‘Self and Children’
  5. Add the column in the field section.


Version: 16.1.0.


Running the 'Time Slicing Sync' job with the 'Force' command checked fixed the issue.