We are updating status reports attributes and are receiving the ODF-0231 error. Essentially, this is happening on all of the attributes which use the lookup called ‘Project Rating’.
Example from PROD: Admin > Object > Status Report > Attributes > Internal Overall Score: attempting to update as per below, resulting in error
ERROR: ODF-0231: Serious error on inserting or updating object attribute, contact system administrator
Release : 16.1.2
Component: Clarity MUX Custom Objects and Custom Investments
In the app-ca.log we see below error
ERROR 2023-07-25 13:00:42,334 [http-nio-8080-exec-6154] niku.xql2 (******odf.updateObjectDefinitionAttribute) Database Error thrown com.niku.union.persistence.PersistenceException: SQL error code: 0 Error message: ERROR: duplicate key value violates unique constraint "cmn_lookups_u1" Detail: Key (lookup_type, lookup_code)
While troubleshooting, it was identified that two of the lookup values have been deactivated, and are no longer in use, resulting in the error.
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