Starred field in Project Properties
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Starred field in Project Properties


Article ID: 270515


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Clarity PPM SaaS


User was using the 'Starred' field in the Project Properties (configured through Blueprints) and with the upgrade to 16.1.2 they've lost the ability to configure the field. Can you please let me know if this is working as designed or is there any issue?

- The field called "Starred" is missing from Blueprint in 16.1.2
- It's available in the Blueprint on 16.1.1 and it's still available in the grid on both versions.

Clarity 16.1.1


Investigating issue under DE71145 - 16.1.2 Blueprint: Unable to add 'Starred' field is missing from Properties section in Blueprint.

Steps to reproduce:
1. In MUX modify Blueprint under Properties section.
2. Using the Fields Search type 'Starred'
3. Notice the field is missing and cannot be added to Project Propeeties Blueprint 
Expected Results: It should allow the field to be added. 
Actual Results: Field is missing under Properties section of Blueprint. 
Workaround: None


Release : 16.1.2


DE71145 - 16.1.2 Blueprint: Unable to add 'Starred' field is missing from Properties section in Blueprint is fixed in Build Clarity 16.2.

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