Portfolio Item page - Cross-content data causes issues on text attribute fields.
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Portfolio Item page - Cross-content data causes issues on text attribute fields.


Article ID: 270459


Updated On:


Rally SaaS Rally On-Premise Rally Perpetual Hosted


When hovering the ‘Expected Business Value’ field (text field attribute) the table data is showing correctly.

But, when clicking on the field it shows incorrectly and even expanding the field the wrapping shows incorrectly  as below:


Release : SAAS


The issue is caused by copying Table content data into the text field  from an external source.


Please use the table format icon from the text field's WYSIWYG editor instead of copying external table format material to avoid any cross-content in fields.

Tested Page : Portfolio Item page

Compatible Views: Comfortable, Compact, Roomy

Tested Browser versions: Chrome Version 114.0, FF 110.0 (Compatible with all latest versions)