netapp_ontap probe and netapp devices do not appear in the OC inventory
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netapp_ontap probe and netapp devices do not appear in the OC inventory


Article ID: 270388


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


I deployed the netapp_ontap probe to a robot and configured 14 netapp devices in this probe, 11 were connected, in the queue I see that the data being sent but no NetApp devices found in the Database so the devices do not appear in the inventory of the Operator Console.

In the log of the netapp_ontap probe I can see data is being collected.


  • Release: 20.4 CU8
  • netapp_ontap: v1.24
  • ONTAP version9.12.1p3
  • Operator Console 20.4 CU8


  • netapp_ontap related queue backup


 Errors seen in the netapp_ontap logs:

[Data Collector - <device_name>, netapp_ontap] exception in getting value of volume_max_size and fixed_volume

and some connection timeouts for a few devices, e.g.,

[Data Collector - <device_name>, netapp_ontap] com.netapp.nmsdk.client.ApiProtocolException: Connection error to Storage System <device_name>: Connection timed out: connect

Hub queue was temporarily backed up due to the amount of data being processed.

If there is an associated GET queue for the netapp_ontap QOS_MESSAGE data, the bulk_size for that GET queue can be set as high as 1750 but values higher than that or 2000 are not as efficient (based on my observations in various environments).

If there was no alarm generated indicating a backup of the related hub ATTACH (or GET) queue or if there was an alarm but it wasn't noticed, I would suggest configuring a nas AO Profile to send a text/email message to alert the UIM administrator of the backed up queue that needs some attention/reconfiguration. You could use an alarm message filter, e.g., /.*<alarm_message_substring>.*/