Siteminder smtrace log file is not rolling after defined size is reached
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Siteminder smtrace log file is not rolling after defined size is reached


Article ID: 270374


Updated On: 02-21-2024




Siteminder policy server trace log file is not rolling over after reaching to 100MB size.

Below are the configuration for Profiler with 'Retain up to 10' old Trace Log file(s).


PolicyServer : 12.8.4

OS : Windows


The number of smtrace files to retain in the logs is set to 10, in this case.

Eleventh file will be created by deleting the oldest smtracefile, hence maintaining the number of trace file limit to 10 as set in the profiler.

Somehow, the oldest file is not getting deleted. Hence, not allowing to rollover to a new file and smtracedefault kept growing.


Identify the process holding the oldest file using the 'Windows Task Manager > Processes'

Kill the process to delete the Old file from Windows.

Logs will start rolling over as intended.