Is there a public API for Identity Portal?
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Is there a public API for Identity Portal?


Article ID: 270335


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


We would like to make SOAP or REST calls into Identity Portal to make changes, such as creating Target Permissions, or adding someone to a search group. 

Is there an API available? 


Identity Portal
Release : 14.3, 14.4


There is no public API available for the Portal. 

We do not currently support external API calls into the Portal to perform actions within the Portal. 

Additional Information

There was a defect in earlier releases where some API calls did not require authentication, so in prior versions some REST calls into Portal did work.   This defect was resolved in version 14.3.

A public API for the Portal would be considered as an enhancement to the product. 

To submit an Enhancement IDEA; please submit a new 'Idea' to the Broadcom product communities in the Ideation area: 
Click 'Add' button on the right side of the page, Provide a Title, and detail regarding the requested enhancement to the software, including business requirements, screenshots if and where relevant.   Select Symantec IGA from the Categories list and submit.
To follow up on the progress of an enhancement request please reach out to your Account team.