After upgrade, we are unable to login to portal due to a 500 server error
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After upgrade, we are unable to login to portal due to a 500 server error


Article ID: 270302


Updated On:


DX NetOps CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration


After upgrading, when trying to access the Portal UI we get a 400 Server Error.  The SSOService.log shows 400 bad request and lists the shortname in the URL.  The only Subject Alternative Name (SAN) listed in the HTTPS Certificate is the fully-qualified hostname (FQHN) but the SSOService.log shows the short name.

After upgrading, we are receiving 401 unauthorized errors when trying to access Data Aggregator REST and OpenAPI services but we can access the OpenAPI QueryBuilder without issue with the same account.


Release: All supported releases


The HTTPS certificate for the Portal only has the FQHN as a SAN.  The MySQL database has the shortname in both NpcWebServiceHost and NpcWebSiteHost.


You can update the NpcWebServiceHost and NpcWebSiteHost values utilizing MySQL if SsoConfig is inaccessible:

1. Login to mysql

mysql netqosportal -uroot -p (will prompt for password)

2. Check the values and if they exist:

select * from performance_center_properties where propname='NpcWebServiceHost';


select * from performance_center_properties where propname='NpcWebSiteHost';


3a. If there are no entries for priority 1; use these commands (replace into)

replace into performance_center_properties values ('NpcWebServiceHost', 1, 'YOUR-FQHN', 'N', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());


replace into performance_center_properties values ('NpcWebSiteHost', 1, 'YOUR-FQHN', 'N', UNIX_TIMESTAMP());


3b. If there are already entries for priority 1; use these commands (update)

update performance_center_properties set propvalue='YOUR-FQHN', UpdatedOn=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() where propname = 'NpcWebServiceHost' and priority = '1'


update performance_center_properties set propvalue='YOUR-FQHN', UpdatedOn=UNIX_TIMESTAMP() where propname = 'NpcWebSiteHost' and priority = '1'


4. Recycle the NetOps Portal services.

systemctl stop caperf*

systemctl status caperf*

systemctl start caperfcenter_sso caperfcenter_devicemanager caperfcenter_eventmanager; sleep 30; systemctl start caperfcenter_console;


Since the NpcWebSiteHost and NpcWebServiceHost were updated in MySQL, the browser can now connect and log into the Portal as well as you can utilize Postman to access REST and the OpenAPI

Additional Information

For the above SQL queries, remember to replace YOUR-FQHN with your system FQHN name.


Please review getting an updated HTTPS certificate from your Certificate Authority that includes more SAN entries.