Error The selected attributes cannot be deleted
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Error The selected attributes cannot be deleted


Article ID: 270290


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Clarity PPM On Premise Clarity PPM SaaS


In an attempt to remove custom attributes from the Investment object, we have refactored processes, portlets, lookups, queries,jasper reports, and removed associations. However when we go to delete the custom attribute, Clarity shows us this error message on the confirm object attribute delete screen:

The selected attributes can't be deleted as they are being used. The error conditions are marked below

Associated items:

The following dependent items will also be processed, there may also be reports or database views/stored procedures/functions using these attribute(s) which will not be removed. This list should be very short, removing attributes that are used will affect the user experience

The investment attribute in the example is a boolean type attribute. We don't know what could be interfering with the removal, we have not encountered this problem before. How can we go about removing them?


Release : 16.1.2


As part of the attribute deletion flow there is a check on whether the attribute is audit enabled


 The investment level attribute in this case was audited on both Project and Ideas. Removed the audit trail on Project and Ideas and the attribute can be deleted.