Top Secret and z/OS Validated Boot Feature
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Top Secret and z/OS Validated Boot Feature


Article ID: 270284


Updated On:


Top Secret


zOS validated Boot is part of the IBM z16 GA1.5 deliverable.

All associated PTFs will be included in the IBM.Device.Server.z16-3931.Exploitation FIXCAT

 Is there any impact on TSS when the  z/OS PTFS related to the zOS validated Boot Feature are applied?

The new feature will not be implemented but these z/OS PTFS  very likely have to be applied in the future with the next rsu level.





Release : 16.0


Top secret is fine at z/OS 2.5  with the New Feature PTFs applied but without enabling the 'Validated Boot feature'.  

Broadcom is looking into any issues when enabling this feature for Top Secret and ACF2 security products.

Please open a case if you detect any problem with Top Secret if you implement z/OS validated Boot feature.

Additional Information

Case 33484567