grDataMgr1450  Fatal Error - Web Services failure 
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grDataMgr1450  Fatal Error - Web Services failure 


Article ID: 270252


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CA Service Desk Manager CA Service Management - Service Desk Manager


Unable to update some CIs via GRLoader. The process generates the following error messages:

05/24 14:12:12.209 INFO  GRLoader 517 GRLoader Started  - load from spreadsheet xxx.xls - to CMDB - CI Updates allowed / inserts allowed 
05/24 14:12:12.224 INFO  GRLoader 533 =============================================================================== 
05/24 14:12:13.287 INFO  GRLoader 327 grDataMgr1450  Fatal Error - Web Services failure 
05/24 14:12:13.287 ERROR grDataMgr 2193 Exception in grDataMgr loadObjAttrs.  Unable to access the (nr) object 
05/24 14:12:13.380 INFO  GRLoader 327 grDataMgr1100 Fatal Error - Unable to access attribute data 
05/24 14:12:13.380 INFO  GRLoader 327 grDataNgr1200 User(xxxxxxx) signon unsuccessful 

The administrator user and the web service are functionally correct.


Release : 17.3


The shown SOAP Web Services Policy missing from the environment.


1. GRLoader was unable to write to the log file due to a permission problem.  This was resolved by giving the "everyone" group permission to write to the log file

2. GRLoader performs its communications over the main SDM Tomcat web service API instance.  This requires the default soap policy to be installed, but the default SOAP Policy had been removed from the environment.

Since GRLoader has the dependency on SOAP Web Services Policy, extracted (pdm_extract SA_Policy > SA-OOTB.txt) from another OOTB implementation to load into the environment, (pdm_load -f SA-OOTB.txt).

Validated it was successfully loaded, recycled services, rerun GRLoader and it was successful