Performance QOS Data is getting queued up on Primary hub server for remote hub queue
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Performance QOS Data is getting queued up on Primary hub server for remote hub queue


Article ID: 270232


Updated On:


DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


Performance Data is getting queued up on Primary hub server.


Release DXUIM: 20.X


  • unsupported bulk sizes
  • data_engine configuration


data_engine settings changed:

  • Increased thread_count_insert from 4 to 24
  • Increased data_management_timeout from 7200 to 65536
  • Decreased hub_bulk_size from 10000 (which is not asupported/advisable) to 1750
  • Emptied remote hub queue which was severely backed up
  • Increased hub_request_timeout from 120 to 240
  • Decreased remote hub queue bulk_size to 1750
  • Queue was manually emptied and after observing for 30 minutes or so, no further queue backup issues were seen.