When exporting a report with graphics pro in Jasper Server 7.9, the file is generated but where the graphics should be, the report has "Fusion Component Not Supported"
Error Message
net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Phantomjs process did not end properly; exit value: 1; phantomjs output: <PhantomjsOut> fusionDataSourceStringVarName: fusionXMLString injecting script: jasperreports_fusion_1199822622_jquery-3.4.1.min.js injecting script: jasperreports_fusion_492753489_fusioncharts.js injecting script: jasperreports_fusion_2125415402_fusioncharts.charts.js injecting scriptfile: jasperreports_fusion_1689618141090_1148622571.js </PhantomjsOut>
Error Trace
com.jaspersoft.jasperserver.remote.exception.ExportExecutionRejectedException: net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException: Phantomjs process did not end properly; exit
CA Service Desk Manager 17.3
JasperReports 7.9
Chrome needs to be updated
Jaspersoft requires Google Chrome web browser to be installed on the JasperReports server
Make sure that Google Chrome is updated to the latest release/version.