Change passwords after expiration in 14.0 Web Viewer
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Change passwords after expiration in 14.0 Web Viewer


Article ID: 270131


Updated On:


Output Management Web Viewer


Some users report issues with changing passwords after expiration. They are end users without access to the Mainframe console and using the web interface for changing passwords. Password changes, work fine on WV 12.1 which we still have operational on production and this issue is related to few LPAR's only. 

Original message from users: Whenever our passwords expire and Web Viewer asks us to change it, the system won't accept any new passwords however we enter them (and we do follow the guidelines on what the password should contain). We get an "Incorrect username or password" message.  It should work, because in these cases, we go back to the old websites (CA Web Viewer), and change it there (using the same password we tried on WebView). After that, we are able to login to the new websites, but soon we won't be able to change passwords as the old websites will be shut down. This only occurs on some systems. Other LPARs are working fine.


Release : 14.0


Configuration error


Only some users unable to change passwords. The rest can change passwords without issues. 

Customer's MF security team (TSS) found that the users with the problem have undefined ALL record for Facility XXXXXXX. Modifying this resolves the problem.