DX UIM upgrade from 20.4 GA to 20.4 CU8 stalls at 46% with data_engine error
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DX UIM upgrade from 20.4 GA to 20.4 CU8 stalls at 46% with data_engine error


Article ID: 270092


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DX Unified Infrastructure Management (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management On-Premise (Nimsoft / UIM) CA Unified Infrastructure Management SaaS (Nimsoft / UIM)


I am trying to install UIM upgrade 20.4.8(oc-installer-20.4.8-windows_x64). Installation ends at 46% when data_engine probe is starting.

uimserver_ia_install is attached and there is this error

2023-07-19 18:49:00,392 ERROR impl.UIMServerConfigureController:run:488 [Thread-41]  - NimException caught
(6) permission denied, Failed to communicate with probe 'data_engine' in the allotted time of 300 secs.

In data_engine.log is this error

Jul 19 18:44:24:979 [15680] 0 de: ######################## START DATA ENGINE ######################## 
Jul 19 18:44:24:979 [15680] 0 de: CA Data Engine 20.48 [Jun 28 2023] 
Jul 19 18:44:24:979 [15680] 0 de: Copyright 2023, CA. All rights reserved. 
Jul 19 18:44:24:979 [15680] 0 de: port=48010 PID=15408 debug=1 
Jul 19 18:44:24:979 [15680] 1 de: DB Plugin: MS SQL Server 
Jul 19 18:44:24:997 [15680] 0 de: SLMFactory::NewSLM - Requesting MS SQL Server 
Jul 19 18:44:24:999 [15680] 1 de: Connection Interface OK - ADO Version: 10.0 
Jul 19 18:44:24:999 [15680] 1 de: Recordset Interface OK 
Jul 19 18:44:24:999 [15680] 1 de: Command Interface OK 
Jul 19 18:44:25:004 [15680] 0 de: Failed to read a valid probe_crypto_mode from controller. Assuming pre-FIPS and using TWO_FISH 
Jul 19 18:44:25:035 [15680] 0 de: [main] Open - 1 errors 
Jul 19 18:44:25:036 [15680] 0 de: (1) Open [Microsoft OLE DB Service Components] Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification. 
Jul 19 18:44:25:037 [15680] 0 de: COM Error [0x80040e73] IDispatch error #3187 - [Microsoft OLE DB Service Components] Format of the initialization string does not conform to the OLE DB specification. 
Jul 19 18:44:25:037 [15680] 0 de: Unable to connect to database. so exiting 
Jul 19 18:44:25:037 [15680] 0 de: Database library - program is exiting through exit()... 
Jul 19 18:44:26:017 [7328] Controller: Max. restarts reached for probe 'data_engine' (command = data_engine.exe) 

The UIM DB is on a remote MSSQL server (Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (SP3-CU4-GDR) 12.0.6439.10) and I am able to connect to it from the UIM server via MS SQL Management Studio.

I haven't found any similar cases in the knowledge base.


  • Release: 20.4
  • data_engine 20.48


- TLS 1.2 was enabled



  • data_engine ->Provider: SQLNCLI11
  • Windows authentication
  • Network Library=dbmssocn;Language=us_english;Integrated Security=SSPI
  • service account can login with password to the Studio no problem
  • robot configured to use the service account
  • data_engine was working before the upgrade with no issues
  • No special chars just upper and lower case chars in the pwd, that can be another cause of the error.
  • length and encrypted string is the same.
  • Network Library=dbmssocn;Language=us_english;Integrated Security=SSPI
    Changing Integrated Security=SSPI to true but no change
  • Database was not upgraded recently.
  • No changes to environment made as per customer.

Final Workaround:

1) Deactivated the data_engine
2) Stopped the robot
3) Tried different settings and activated but to no avail, THEN...
4) Deactivated the data_engine
2) Backed up the data_engine folder
3) Rt-click ->Delete, to delete the data_engine
4) Deleted the current data_engine folder
5) Ensured that there was no leftover data_engine process
6) Redeployed the data_engine probe v20.48 from scratch from the local Primary hub archive
7) Then we tried basically the same settings again, but with TLS 1.2 DISABLED, and the data_engine finally started up and remained running

Existing data_engine.cfg entries of note when the data_engine was failing and would not start:

    provider = SQLNCLI11
    TrustServerCertificate = yes
    Encrypt = yes
    trustStore = D:\CA\UIM\security\
    trustStorePassword = ##########################

Final data_engine.cfg entries of note (diffs)

TLS 1.2 DISABLED in the data_engine
   trustStore = D:\CA\UIM\security\
   trustStorePassword = 
   TrustServerCertificate = false
   Encrypt = false

Additional Information

If you need to reenable TLS 1.2 in the data_engine please refer to:
