MUX - Staffing Module error on "Collapse All"
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MUX - Staffing Module error on "Collapse All"


Article ID: 270050


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS Clarity PPM On Premise


When using the Staffing module, and attempting to use the "Collapse All" option an error is displayed "An error occurred while saving preferences", but it will correctly collapse the information.


1. Access the Staffing module in the MUX
2. Expand an Investment in the list (or expand multiple)
3. Right click in the grid and select "Collapse All"

Expected Results: 

It should collapse without error

Actual Results:

It collapses all but displays error.

In Browser Console the returned packet shows:

    "resourceId": null,
    "httpStatus": "400",
    "errorMessage": "ODF-0015: Value must be unique.",
    "errorCode": "odf.uniqueIndexViolation"

Error in app-ca.log:

Caused by: Error : 1, Position : 0, Sql = insert into cmn_ui_personalizations(id,component,personalizations,user_id,created_date,created_by,last_updated_date,last_updated_by) values(:1 ,:2 ,:3 ,:4 ,:5 ,:6 ,:7 ,:8 ), OriginalSql = insert into cmn_ui_personalizations(id,component,personalizations,user_id,created_date,created_by,last_updated_date,last_updated_by) values(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?), Error Msg = ORA-00001: unique constraint (<host>.CMN_UI_PERSONALIZATIONS_U1) violated
ERROR rest.validation (clarity:admin:5355135__6BAC85C1-8D44-4C7E-AB85-6C4C8DB41949:PPM_REST_API) ODFResourceProvider :: Could not create resource. Object code alias: [ requestUrl: http://HOSTNAME/ppm/rest/v1/private/views , _restResourceName : views , _id : null , _parentInfo : null , _apiVersion : v1 , _includeLinksArray : true , _contextId : -1 , _hierarchyId : -1 , _isGroupBy : false , _isPartition : false]
ERROR rest.validation (clarity:admin:5355135__6BAC85C1-8D44-4C7E-AB85-6C4C8DB41949:PPM_REST_API) ExceptionInfo ::  Could not create resource. Resource name: views. Error code: odf.uniqueIndexViolation Error message: ODF-0015: Value must be unique.
ERROR object.CustomObjectInstanceClass (clarity:admin:5355135__6BAC85C1-8D44-4C7E-AB85-6C4C8DB41949:PPM_REST_API) Exception on insert
com.niku.union.persistence.PersistenceApplicationException: java.sql.SQLIntegrityConstraintViolationException: ORA-00001: unique constraint (<host>.CMN_UI_PERSONALIZATIONS_U1) violated


Release : 16.1.2


The resolution for this problem is slated for inclusion in 16.2.0. It was originally tracked DE70960.

The items will collapse even though there is an error.