DX APM - Infrastructure agent host monitor extension Memory:Page Fault (Pages/Sec) metric reports negative values
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DX APM - Infrastructure agent host monitor extension Memory:Page Fault (Pages/Sec) metric reports negative values


Article ID: 269969


Updated On:


CA Application Performance Management SaaS


As shown in following graph, values (which must by definition be positive and presumably held in unsigned integer) are stored in signed integer metric and so overflow and thus rendered as negative values in Metric View:


Release : SAAS


Solution: to be fixed in a next release


This issue is due to int average metric data type,  metric data type for "Memory:Page Fault (Pages/Sec)" need to be  "LongAverage" instead of "IntAverage" 

Follow below steps to apply the fix:
    1. Stop the APMIA
    2. Take a backup copy for oid2metrics-linux.json from apmia/extensions/hostmonitor-DD/config/ folder. 
    3. Copy the attached "oid2metrics-linux.json" or "oid2metrics-solaris.json into apmia/extensions/hostmonitor-DD/config/ folder. 

NOTE: You need to replace the oid2metrics-linux.json file If customer running APMIA Hostmonitor on linux OS or  oid2metrics-solaris.json file If customer running APMIA Hostmonitor on Solaris OS. 

    4. Start the APMIA

Additional Information




1689694251722__oid2metrics-linux.json get_app
1689694238398__oid2metrics-solaris.json get_app