When the user is disabled and performs Forgotten password reset there is a generic error displayed
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When the user is disabled and performs Forgotten password reset there is a generic error displayed


Article ID: 269968


Updated On:


CA Identity Suite


When the user is disabled and performs Forgotten password reset there is a generic error displayed

This error needs to reflect "you cannot access your account"

In IM the VST shows:

Audited - 
An error object was posted to the task with text: Unable to execute task. User is disabled.

In IP we see:
[com.idmlogic.sigma.connector.ca.tews.tasks.ResetForgottenPasswordTask] (default task-3) ForgottenPassword failed : : ErrorCode: 0, ErrorFamily: GENERAL, Message: com.idmlogic.sigma.connector.ca.exceptions.IMException: Subject not found - verify name and scope
Error: Code: 700, Literal: com.netegrity.ims.exception.IMSException, Message: TEWS task secondary search error: No subjects returned for task: Forgotten Password Reset,

The IP error is caused by IM not supplying data back to IP because the user is disabled.

There is no workflow attached to this.


Release : 14.4


We requested the customer to disable the below settings in IDM Management Console and also asked them to verify the below setting in the prod environment.


Home › Environments › identityEnv › Advanced Settings › Web Services > Generate Exception when No Items are found.


After disabling the message appears as it should in the Identity Portal.