After configuring snmp on our gateway 11.0 install we are unable to successfully execute a snmpwalk command to the gateway on any interface other than the loopback. Attempting to execute snmpwalk to another interface results in the following error:
snmpwalk: Timeout
CA API Gateway 11.0
Our gateway 11 appliance is configured such that the SNMP agent only listens on the loopback interface on UDP port 161 by default. To enable another interface, you need to define a non-loopback interface IP address. On a debian OS the listening interface is defined by the agentaddress directive within the /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf file
You can look to make the following kind of change within the snmpd.conf file:
agentaddress udp:161
The above change would tell the SNMP Daemon to listen on UDP port 161 on every IPv4 interface.
You would need to recycle the snmp service for the change to take effect by executing the following:
systemctl restart snmpd