I need to restore to a previous version of the snmpcollector database.
Release : Any
Component: snmpcollector
The SNMPcollector probe automatically saves backups of the SnmpCollector.mv.db file which is the DB where the configuration is stored, each day.
Eg: C:\Program Files (x86)\Nimsoft\probes\network\snmpcollector
To restore a previous backup:
1. Stop snmpcollector
2. Unzip one of the dated dbbackups. The Zipped file contains a copy of SnmpCollector.mv.db
3. Rename or move away from the snmpcollector folder the current currupt SnmpCollector.mv.db
4. copy the SnmpCollector.mv.db from the backup to the snmpcollector folder
5. Start the probe and check if you can open the GUI.