We have done a pilot of cyberArk integration with Autosys and tested with a sample job. We need to extend this to our environments.
We have a question from our CyberArk admin team if there is a possibility to use CyberArk Central Credential Provider (REST API) instead of the local agent-based Credential Provider.
As per document, we could see one of the prerequisite as CyberArk credential provider must be available on the computer where the scheduler and application servers are up and running
We understand the cyberArk credential provider should be on the local (agent-based) machine where our Autosys instance is up and running.
As there is huge difference in cost, our cyberArk admins need to understand if Autosys can get the credentials from the vault where credential provider is centralized. Could you please help with the possibilities.
Release : 12.1
CyberArk recommends/suggest that we should should use Credential Provider (CP) for business critical applications where as no busines critical application,
we can use Central Credential Provide (CCP) hence we moved ahead with Credential Providers. Please refer following CyberArk documentation link: