Arcot UDS complaining securestore.enc issue and failing to start
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Arcot UDS complaining securestore.enc issue and failing to start


Article ID: 269823


Updated On: 10-02-2023


CA Strong Authentication CA Risk Authentication CA Advanced Authentication


After installing RF/WF/UDS/etc on node2, restarting tomcat and checked UDS logs. uds throws the following error - 

2023-03-02 18:10:30,813 CET : [main] : ERROR : crypto.impl.SecureStoreUtil : Master key not found in securestore.enc. Please initialize the same using dbutil.
2023-03-02 18:10:30,813 CET : [main] : ERROR : impl.db.ServerMgmtService : Failed to initialize secure store util, Master key not found in securestore.enc. Please initialize the same using dbutil.
2023-03-02 18:10:52,020 CET : [main] : INFO  : com.arcot.euds : Logger initialized successfully.
2023-03-02 18:10:52,023 CET : [main] : ERROR : euds.web.UDSInitServlet : [null] : [null] : [31009] : General error - Unable to start User Data Service. Error while checking the bootstrap status.Database error


Release : 9.1

Strong Authentication

Risk Authentication


The problem arises when it is not possible to decrypt the contents of the Securestore.enc file in order to retrieve the MasterKey value. The decryption process relies on the bcprov-jdk15on-1.69.jar file located in the Application Server's deployed ARCOTUDS-APPLICATION/WEB-INF/lib directory. If there is a conflict preventing the correct version from being loaded, the contents of the securestore.enc file cannot be decrypted, resulting in the observed issue. It is important to ensure that any other applications deployed on the same server are using the same version of bcprov as UDS or other pre-installed applications. Once the application deployed on the server utilizes the same version of bcprov jar, the issue should no longer be apparent.