Testing 12.1 Web Viewer in Datacenter migration with Dispatch
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Testing 12.1 Web Viewer in Datacenter migration with Dispatch


Article ID: 269779


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Output Management Web Viewer Dispatch Output Mgmt


We are in Data Center migration testing. Dispatch is using Output Management Web Viewer.

Its that possible to change the new datacenter URL (IP of port) and test it? Production is running in parallel from different datacenter.


Release : 12.1

Dispatch 11.7


In Web Viewer, you will need to rediscover the repositories/do DRAS discoveries for the Dispatch repository at the very least. You would also need to move a DRAS task over to the LPAR where the DR Dispatch is, and uniquely identify it. In the CAI.LDR, you may need to change the pathname if you don't have shared DASD.