The APP error is:
ERROR 2023-07-06 12:34:53,097 [https-jsse-nio2-443-exec-121] jasper.ClarityJasperUserUtil (clarity:user:session:none) Error getting ClarityJasperAdmin. ::
java.lang.RuntimeException: Exception getting ClarityJasperAdmin : PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target
Release : All
1. Clarity JAVA_HOME needs to have the new certificate imported into cacerts
To import certificates into cacerts:
Open Windows Explorer and navigate to the cacerts file, which is located in the jre\lib\security folder
Create a backup copy of the file before making any changes.
Depending on the certificates received from the Certificate Authority, intermediate certificate and/or root certificate needs to be imported into the cacerts file.
The following command to import the certificates into cacerts is:
keytool -import -alias <alias> -keystore <cacerts_file> -trustcacerts -file <certificate_filename>
If importing both certificates, the alias specified for each certificate should be unique.
Type the password for the keystore at the “Password” prompt and press Enter.
The default Java password for the cacerts file is “changeit”.
Type ‘y’ at the “Trust this certificate?” prompt and press Enter.
2. Restart the Clarity app service and the Jaspersoft service.