Upgrading to 11.7.0 on Microsoft Windows Server 2016 Standard 10.0.14393, Service Pack 0.0. The node.js install failed in a Powershell script apparently trying to install 'choco' with:
Exception calling "DownloadString" with "1" argument(s): "The remote name could not be resolved: 'xxproxy.xxxxxx.com'"
The proxy name is incorrect. I have changed the only proxy configuration I could find to the proper name but where does the install script get the proxy name? Once the proxy is corrected, can I just rerun the installation to fix this? node.js seems to be functioning.
Release : 11.7
The only proxy setting within Automation Point is in regards to the 2-WAY paging:
The only other proxy setting is in Windows: Windows Start -> Settings -> Network & Internet -> Proxy (at the bottom of the left pane)
After changing the Windows Proxy setting, the reinstall can start at the step of the node.js install.