Failed OTK Uninstall - Could not delete entity. Mappings are likely out of order.
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Failed OTK Uninstall - Could not delete entity. Mappings are likely out of order.


Article ID: 269716


Updated On:


CA API Gateway


The OTK uninstall is failing with the following errors in the ssm0.log:

Incorrect mapping instructions: Could not delete entity. Mappings are likely out of order. Mapping for: EntityHeader. Name=grant_types, id=e001cfd0c1c1ffaa18e187b5e72fd668, description=/OTK/Policy Fragments/grant_types, type = FOLDER</l7:StringValue>

Incorrect mapping instructions: Could not delete entity. Mappings are likely out of order. Mapping for: EntityHeader. Name=response_types, id=e001cfd0c1c1ffaa18e187b5e72fd628, description=/OTK/Policy Fragments/response_types, type = FOLDER</l7:StringValue>

Incorrect mapping instructions: Could not delete entity. Mappings are likely out of order. Mapping for: EntityHeader. Name=JWKs Endpoint, id=620c4be582d79f371cd50591a082f0d0, description=/OTK/Policy Fragments/configuration/JWKs Endpoint, type = FOLDER</l7:StringValue>


API Gateway 10.1
All supported versions of the OTK


Check the folders for custom policies. Back up and remove the custom policies - then try the uninstall again. 

The best practice is to not place custom policies in the OTK directory. This will cause failures when upgrading or uninstalling the OTK.


Customized assertions needed to be removed from the OTK subdirectories.