With Reporter 11.01.1. we have an issue and need to rebuild the database from scratch. We wanted to generate a service-info package but this is not possible. Also if we set a Reporter DB parameter in the Reporter GUI of Management Center (v 1.2.0) the "save changes" dialog is not ending (the "In Progress" circle is rotating endlessly).
Release :
Where the Reporter isn't working properly and some of the service-info fsub-commands doesn't seem to work, please be informed that we recommend to use only the #diagnostics service-info send-url CLI command, with only FTP, to send the diagnostic data to an external directory. For the detailed steps to complete these tasks, please refer to the Tech. Article with the URL below.
Please note that the #diagnostics service-info send-sr command is broken and will return the error shown in the snippet below, and should not be used to export diagnostic data.
Where multiple functionalities, which were always working, are broken, and you feel the need to revert to the last known good configuration, please refer to the guidance in the Tech. Article below.
The command in the snippet above returns a list of the backed up config sets. Enter the restore-settings automatic <backup_ID> command, where backup_ID is the configuration from the restore-settings automatic list command. If you know the time of the event that caused the corruption, be sure to select a backup configuration prior to that time. See the snippet below, for a sample config restore.
The above restore returns the Reporter back to the config state it had on June 26, 2023.