Force SPE to use a particular version of virus definitions for testing
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Force SPE to use a particular version of virus definitions for testing


Article ID: 269656


Updated On:


Protection Engine for Cloud Services Protection Engine for NAS Protection for SharePoint Servers


How can I use a particular version of virus definitions in testing Symantec Protection Engine (SPE) 8.1 or later?


Release : 8.1 or later


  1. Backup a given set of definitions from a working instance of SPE
  2. Record permissions to a .txt file
  3. When desired, restore the set of definitions to another (or even the same SPE instance at a later date)
  4. To confirm permissions are the same after restore, record permissions to a new .txt file and use diff or winmerge to compare against previous .txt file
  5. Manually fix any file permissions that are different after restore


To backup a given set of definitions from SPE

tar cjvf /root/SPE-defs-backup-2023-07-12.tar.gz /opt/SYMCScan/definitions/Stargate


To record permissions to a .txt file

ls -lR  /opt/SYMCScan/definitions/Stargate > /root/ls-lR-Stargate-before-backup-20230712.txt


To restore a given set of definitions to SPE

sudo systemctl stop symcscan
rename /opt/SYMCScan/definitions/Stargate /opt/SYMCScan/definitions/Stargate-backup-2023-07-12
tar xjvf /root/SPE-defs-backup-2023-07-11.tar.gz /opt/SYMCSan/definitions/Stargate
sudo systemctl start symcscan


To confirm permissions are the same

ls -lR  /opt/SYMCScan/definitions/Stargate > /root/ls-lR-Stargate-after-backup-20230712.txt
diff /root/ls-lR-Stargate-before-backup-20230712.txt /root/ls-lR-Stargate-after-backup-20230712.txt