Calculated Attribute with 2 decimals displays 3 when used on Modern Action Item
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Calculated Attribute with 2 decimals displays 3 when used on Modern Action Item


Article ID: 269649


Updated On:


Clarity PPM SaaS


Calculated Attribute with 2 decimals displays 3 when used on Modern Action Item

Steps to Reproduce: 
1- Create money1 field (number) on project object with 3 decimal places
2- Create money2 field (number) on project object with 3 decimal places
3- Create moneysum field (calculated attribute) with 2 decimal places: Sum(zmoney1,zmoneyfield2)
4- Create an Action Item in Modern with the moneysum attribute in the description.
5- Assign Action Item to a Blueprint Business Rule on attribute update
6- Publish blueprint
7- Assign Blueprint to a new or existing project
8- Update project so it will trigger the condition you used on the Action Item Business Rule on the blueprint 
9- Login as the user who the action item was assigned to and go to My Workspace
moneysum attribute is displayed with 3 decimal places
For example:
Money Field 1: 2.345 
Money Field 2: 324.543 
Money Sum:    326.888

Expected Results: Decimal precision on calculated attribute is followed

Actual Results:  Decimal precision on calculated attribute is ignored

Use another calculated attribute which does a Round on Money Sum calculated attribute



Release : 16.1.2


This is being pursued at Broadcom under DE70818