Release : 12.0 and 11.6
XCOM Gateway for Windows
XCOM for Windows Server
After reviewing the traces provided we found message:
UpdateQData: Unable to open C:\Program Files\CA\XCOM\q\0000nn.MBR write; OK for read; errno: 13 (Permission denied)
The message indicates that the credentials being used for the transfer don't have the proper permissions for the Queue directory.
Issue the following command to verify the permissions on the Queue directory": icacls "%xcom_home%\q"
In the output you should see "Everyone:(OI)(CI)(F)" indicating all users can read/write files. If that is not the case, you can then run the following command to add the missing permissions to the Queue directory:
icacls "%XCOM_HOME%\\q" /t /grant Everyone:F
icacls "%XCOM_HOME%\\q" /grant Everyone:(OI)(CI)F
The result of the above commands should indicate that the command ran successfully: Successfully processed x files; Failed processing 0 files