How to check all SD Job outputs for a SD Package ?
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How to check all SD Job outputs for a SD Package ?


Article ID: 269635


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CA Client Automation - IT Client Manager CA Client Automation


If a SD Package is sent to lot of computers and the SD Jobs produce a log in SD Job Output, how to collect all the SD Job output to do some research inside all logs ?


Client Automation - All Versions


1- Copy attached file job_output_dir.txt on a directory on Domain Manager and rename it as job_output_dir.bat
2- Execute the command with package name, version and procedure in parameters. See "Additonal Information" below for the syntax of this command.
Example :
job_output_dir.bat "TEST" "5.0" "install" ca_itrm NOT_changedR11
The script creates a directory <package_name>__<package_version>__<procedure_name> and puts the SD Job output files inside
The file name has following format :
Status = 9 means OK
Status = 10 means ERROR
Job_UUID is the UUID of job in table usd_applic (column objectid). It is converted in uniqueidentifier value
select convert(uniqueidentifier, objectid) from usd_applic

Additional Information

Syntax :
job_output_dir.bat PackageName PackageVersion Procedure [user] [password]

Parameters :
Packagename       : Name of the Package
PackageVersion    : Version of the Package
Procedure         : Name of the procedure
user              : user for db. If missing trusted connection is used.
password          : password of user to access the database

Examples :
job_output_dir.bat JAVA 1.0 install
job_output_dir.bat JAVA 1.0 install ca_itrm pwd_ca_itrm


1689166814080__job_output_dir.txt get_app