Need Information on where to find QUIESCED and UNquiesced state of CICS File entry in SYSVIEW.
SYSVIEW 16.0 & 17.0 - z/OS supported releases -
Here are some documentation from IBM website:
The RLS quiesce and unquiesced functions
What about a cluster quiesced?
From SYSVIEW, this command can be issued:
In the Cluster section of the report is an RLSDATA entry with attribute VSAM QUIESCED -------(xxx)
Does xxx show YES or NO?
Based on the IBM documentation, if a VSAM data set is quiesced then an open for it in RLS mode will fail.
Unfortunately, there is nothing that shows 'quiesced' for CICS files.
It seems that it was just a temporary status, where a quiesce was issued for a file and then CICS closes it.
Regarding the LISTCAT, there is a LC linecmd on VSAM display.