Adding extremely large assembler program to Endevor getting a S322 error
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Adding extremely large assembler program to Endevor getting a S322 error


Article ID: 269607


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Having an issue where an update to an existing assembler program, which is over 1 million lines of code, will start executing but never finish and will eventually end with s322.

The only way to make a change is to delete the production version and add the updated one as a new element.

Is there another solution?



Release : All supported version


An S322 abend indicates that allotted CPU time was exceeded and the job was canceled.

There are 3 options:

1)   Add a TIME= parameter to the JOB card and allow the job more time to complete

2)   Break the program down into multiple, smaller programs or if there are internal tables, make the tables external copybooks or include members. 

3)   Create a new Type and use a Full-Image Delta for the extremely large programs. 
      See How to Convert a Forward/Reverse Delta to a Full-Image Delta


Additional Information

Image Delta Format
The  image delta format is for elements for which source compare is impossible or unnecessary, such as USS binary executables. In other cases, the 
Endevor compare algorithm can require a significant amount of time to complete.
The image delta format stores each element level as a full image of the element. Changes between levels are not compared. Only display or print requests for Browse, Change Summary, and Master requests are allowed for image elements. Requests for Changes and History display are not supported.
However, the full-image delta format enables you to do the following:
  • Track changes by date.
  • Track changes by user.
  • Associate comments to the change.
  • Associate a CCID to the change.
  • Retrieve prior versions of the element.