XMIT the EZT Loadlib (PDSE) to Technical Support
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XMIT the EZT Loadlib (PDSE) to Technical Support


Article ID: 269585


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Easytrieve Report Generator


The Easytrieve CBAALOAD dataset is delivered as a PDSE data set (Type Library).

What are the steps to send the CBAALOAD dataset in PDSE format to technical support for analysis if requested?



Release : 11.6


To send the EZT CBAALOAD to Technical support,  use the XMIT command for the PDSE dataset:

In TSO Option 6 enter the following command to create an XMIT (TSO TRANSMIT) data set:

     XMIT X.Y DS('hilvl.CBAALOAD') OUTDSN('hilvl.XMIT')

This command will compress the PDSE dataset.The XMIT command will create a sequential data set with a fixed record length. 

The OUTDSN does not need to be pre-allocated.

Organization  . . . : PS
Record format . . . : FB
Record length . . . : 80
Block size  . . . . : 3120

Next, terse the OUTDSN data set and FTP this dataset in binary to the Broadcom Support Secure server.

Note: PDSE data sets containing program objects are not supported by the IBM AMATERSE utility. There is no error message in the IBM AMATERSE UNPACK utility output but the unpacked load library is corrupted and not usable. 

For Tersing execute TRSMAIN. TRSMAIN is an entry point in AMATERSE.

Technical Support will then perform a TSO RECEIVE after untersing the data set.