MQ apmia extension reporting invalid metric error
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MQ apmia extension reporting invalid metric error


Article ID: 269581


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CA Application Performance Management SaaS


We have an MQ extension for apmia that is reporting the following errors:

6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers|:A
ggregated Queue Manager Status".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers|:A
ggregated Agent-MQ Connection Status".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers|:M
aximum Queue Depth Reached".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers||d
efault|Status:Queue Manager Status Value".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers||d
efault|Status:Queue Manager Status".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers||d
efault:Queue Manager Status".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers||d
efault:Agent-MQ Connection Status".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers||d
efault|Last Check:Agent-MQ Connection Status".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers||d
efault|Last Check:Timestamp".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers||d
efault|Last Check:Queue Manager Name".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers|:A
ggregated Queue Manager Status".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers|:A
ggregated Agent-MQ Connection Status".
6/28/23 11:21:24 AM EDT [ERROR] [IntroscopeAgent.InfrastructureAgent] Attempted to create a metric with the invalid metric name "Queue Managers|:M
aximum Queue Depth Reached".


  • Release: SAAS
  • InfrastructureAgent Release 2022.6.0.9 (Build 990009)


  • Customer was running APMIA 2022.6.0.9.
  • APMIA 2023.6.1.4 resolved the issue.