TMM Memory on F5 BigIP devices not being calculated correctly in DX NetOps Spectrum or CA Performance Management (CAPM)
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TMM Memory on F5 BigIP devices not being calculated correctly in DX NetOps Spectrum or CA Performance Management (CAPM)


Article ID: 269548


Updated On:


CA Performance Management - Usage and Administration DX NetOps CA Spectrum


Currently using Spectrum to monitor aggregate memory on F5s. Aggregated memory is leading to false alerts for Memory utilization.

F5s partition their memory leading Spectrum to see it as being utilized see the following articles from the vendor:

f5 article K52090030

f5 article K44014003

In either Spectrum or Performance Management, is there a way to monitor TMM memory? 


DX NetOps Release : 22.2 or later


You should be able to correct the monitoring in Spectrum by linking the TMM OIDs to the NRM memory attributes:


And using these attribute IDs in


So if you look for the device Spectrum OneClick, go to the Attributes tab and search for the above, you will see:

Replace the attributes that the NRM_MemoryUsedAttr and NRM_MemoryTotalAttr are pointing to, to the respective attributes of sysTmmStatMemoryUsed  and sysTmmStatMemoryTotal.

This should give you the memory readings you're after in Spectrum.

You should also be able to monitor TMM memory for these F5 devices in CAPM, the OIDs are in the F5BigIPTMMMemoryMib VC:

You may have to check the Vendor Certification (VC) priority order though to ensure the right VC is picked:

So probably select F5 TMM Memory as higher in the order for these devices.