Testing a first upgrade from Windows XCOM r11.6 22073 sp03 64bit to the recently released r12.0 for Windows XCOM.
The server is a Windows 2016 Standard Version 10.0.14393 Build 14393.
The Install Complete dialog box showed "has been successfully installed" at the top.
Why does it also prompt for a system restart?
No restart is mentioned in the documented steps under the relevant r12.0 doc. section XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows 12.0 > Installing > Upgrade from a Previous Release.
Is a restart necessary or not?
XCOM™ Data Transport® for Windows
The directory "%XCOM_HOME%\Uninstaller_R120SP00\Logs" contains the install log "XCOM_Data_Transport_r12.0_SP00_(64-bit)_Install*.log" whose Summary shows no Warnings or any type of Error i.e.
Installation: Successful.
426 Successes
0 Warnings
0 NonFatalErrors
0 FatalErrors
XCOM Engineering provided the below input.
1. These actions in the install log might have caused the InstallAnywhere installer to believe there was some problem:
Delete Folder: Source:CA XCOM Data Transport r11.6 SP03 (64-bit)
Additional Notes: NOTE - Source C:\Users\admin1\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\CA\CA XCOM Data Transport r11.6 SP03 (64-bit) does not exist.
Install Directory: C:\Users\admin1\AppData\Local\Temp\3\067331.tmp\
Additional Notes: NOTE - Directory already existed
2. However, in general, the installation Summary should be considered the most important element of the install log.
If there are no Warnings and errors (Fatal, Nonfatal) the installation should be considered as a success. Usually, Warnings are also less important and are harmless.
So per the above install log file Summary, there should be nothing to be concerned about
3. Regarding the restart prompt.
There can be multiple factors causing this prompt. Below is the relevant snippet from the InstallAnywhere documentation for the RESTART_NEEDED variable:
Standard InstallAnywhere Variables
The value of RESTART_NEEDED is automatically determined and set by the Installer as a result of all the actions that it has performed during the install/upgrade/uninstall process.
When this value is set to YES_RECOMMENDED, the installer prompt says, "You should restart the system to complete the installation." as in this case.
When this value is set to YES_REQUIRED, the installer prompt says, "You need to restart the system to complete the installation."
It is therefore more advisable to consider a restart in the second case. In either case, it is not an immediate requirement and it can wait for the future as long as the XCOM installation is successful.