API Portal Connection Disturbances
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API Portal Connection Disturbances


Article ID: 269468


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CA API Developer Portal


My Portal 5.1.2 is showing a strange behavior. It suddenly becomes unavailable with the error ( screenshot below):


The journal logs  and docker logs shows no logging at all .

journalctl -u docker -o json --since "1 hour  ago"


Release : 5.1.2


Try the following steps to restart the portal and restore the logging .

To be sure the logging driver has not been changed run 

docker info |grep Log

Logging driver should be  , Logging Driver: journald

prune the journal logs to free up space and delete old logs by running.

journalctl --vacuum-time=1h

this should return .

Vacuuming done, freed xx G of archived journals on disk.

if not try this again after the appliance restart

remove the portal stack 

docker stack rm portal.

purge the not running containers to free up space

docker container prune 

restart the appliance .

verify if the journal is working again with 

 journalctl -u docker -o json

redeploy the portal stack with 


check if all containers are starting correctly

verify if the portal is accessible again . 

check the logs once more to see if the logging works again 

docker service logs  portal_portal-data

journalctl -u docker -o json --since "1 hour  ago"    | /opt/apim-portal-5.1-final/util/logfilter